Covid-19 Policy 2020
Each Gemini Pole Studio student/customer will be required to read this policy and confirm through their Team Up account that they have read, understood and agree to the terms of the policy before they will be allowed to sign up for in-person classes.
For in-person classes for the foreseeable future, there will be 2 students to a pole. Students will take turns using the pole. Between each individual use of the pole the student who just used the pole will clean the pole with their own individual cloth which will be provided for them, and provided 70% Isopropyl Alcohol spray. Cloths will be collected up and removed by Gemini Pole Studio staff and washed after each individual use. When a student is not on the pole, they will have a designated standing area to wait their turn to ensure social distancing.
Instructors will have their own pole to demonstrate the class. Instructors will only use this pole, and students will only use the pole which they are assigned to. There will be distanced warm up and cool down to ensure social distancing. There will be regular cleaning by Instructors of touch points such as door handles, surfaces etc.
In the case of 2 classes a night, classes will be staggered with 15 minutes cleaning time between classes. This gives the students from the first class enough time to swiftly leave the venue before the next class arrives. Students will be asked not to arrive before 5 minutes prior to the class beginning, to ensure the least amount of contact possible between classes in the corridors.
Lastly, all windows and doors to the venue will be left open to ensure maximum ventilation of the room.
Student Instructions
Students are instructed not to come to class if they are experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms, or have experienced any within the last 10 days.
Students are asked to wash their hands prior to class, and there will be hand sanitiser provided upon arrival to class if needed. Students should wash/sanitise their hands immediately after class.
Students are asked where possible to arrive to class in their pole clothes under their normal clothes, to avoid having to change in the building.
Students must not arrive any earlier than 5 minutes prior to their class, to avoid BHASVIC becoming congested. Students must wear masks whilst arriving at and leaving the premises. Masks ARE NOT mandatory during class as in line with government advice that masks do not need to be worn whilst exercising, but you may wear your mask if you wish to at your own risk.
Shoes and coats will be required to be left outside of the room. Clothes and valuables will be allowed in the room as long as they are left in a neat pile away from other student’s valuables.
There will be no pole grip provided by Gemini Pole Studio, and each student must bring their own. There is to be no sharing of grips.
If you would like a photo taken of a move you are doing, ask an Instructor/another student and they will take the photo ON THEIR OWN PHONE and send it to you after class. Do not ask another student to handle your phone.
There will be no spotting. All lesson plans will be designed to be taught safely with no instructor to student spotting required. Emergency spotting will only take place if the risk to life is greater than that of Covid-19.
Each student will be required to read and sign Gemini Pole Studio’s new Covid-19 policy document outlining these changes, and new waiver form before attending their first class. Students will be asked to ensure their contact information is up to date, in case of the government’s track and trace procedure needing to be implemented in the case of a Covid-19 patient being traced back to Gemini Pole Studio.
Students will only be allowed to attend class by booking online. There will be no admittance to drop-ins or unexpected people.
Please note, BHASVIC estates will need to be advised during a class if a member becomes unwell with Covid symptoms. The class will be finished immediately so the room can be cleaned with immediate effect.
Thank you taking the time to read this policy. These changes to classes are designed to keep you all safe and healthy whilst you get back into your pole fitness training. We can’t wait to welcome you back to classes.
The Gemini Pole Studio Team